PRE2019 3 Group18 Minutes

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Week 2A

February 10

Smart house domain · Smart coach -> dietary assistant -> healthy lifestyle coach · Medicine coach/APP already present in wiki Objective Find the niche. Focus of the technology. The technology must be able to make decisions. Requirement for the project: system must make autonomous decisions. Users Broad speculum of people: People with different type of illnesses Find the user requirements (find the problem) Approach & deliverables Final remarks Final presentation: 20minutes long (10min presenting, 5min demonstrating, 5min Q&A) Deliverables Answer the BIG question (What do you want to show after these 8 weeks) Feasibility Work division: Interviews: 2 or 3 interviews with people Research Literature, State of the art

Week 2B

February 13

Kasper: Diabetes centre meeting planned for Monday 17.02 afternoon. The talk will be about type 1 diabetes with a communication advisor of this company.

Milan: How much should we focus on the product, and how much on the documentation/research?

Explanation of wiki: Planning is specific tasks for everyone each week, Milestones is more broad overview

Research about diabetes from Davide: see document/section on wiki


Milan: write problem statement and objectives on the wiki

Kasper: write about the users on the wiki

Nick:requirements, functionalities, ideas what the app does

Questions for the tutor:

How much focus should we put into the application development? What else is there to do besides researching the requirements of the application in the first couple weeks? Is it acceptable if our idea and product are not very innovative (there are already multiple application available that seem to have all the functionalities implemented)