Planning Group 6

From Control Systems Technology Group
Revision as of 00:52, 25 February 2018 by S164571 (talk | contribs)
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To go back to the mainpage: PRE2017 3 Groep6.

First of all, this document had to be renamed considering "Project Planning" linked us through to another group's planning page which we could edit as well. This seems more like a bug than a feature.

During the first week of the project, every team member dove into locating and reading online articles and other literature that could be relevant for our research, and a clear planning was yet to be made. After having conducted our research, we had a better idea about what we wanted to do and accomplish in the time we have for this project. There are going to be two deliverables; a literature study and alongside to the a computer model based on existing technology and information.
For the planning, several subtopics need to be considered and placed in a proper lineup. These topics can overlap, considering multiple team members can work on multiple topics at a time. The milestones are set at specific dates as of now, but aside from the final milestones, these could face minor alterations depending on our experiences during the project.

Like stated above, the first subtopic in the planning is conducting a literature search. After searching for the literature in week 1, further searching for relevant articles will continue in the next couple of weeks, whenever there is need for facts, percentages or other information. The literature that was found in week 1 will be read in more detail and a detailed summary of all useful parts will be created to ensure a quick overview of all knowledge we need to continue our work.

Aside from our literature search and study, we will also deliver a computer-model like stated above. This model will display a potential autonomous scooter that we consider to be sufficient for the exact problem we decided to solve in this project. NEED TO ADD THIS EXACT PROBLEM. This model will be a 3D visualization of the autonomous scooter along with detailed representation of all parts that are relevant to the autonomous behaviour of the scooter, such as communication devices and different kinds of sensors. Belonging to this 3D model is also a price-estimate of each individual part, which enables us to estimate the final product price as well.

See below the current planning. Like stated above this is a concept which may altered in case we decide some parts require more attention and others less.
