Planning Group 6

From Control Systems Technology Group
Revision as of 23:05, 24 February 2018 by S164571 (talk | contribs)
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To go back to the mainpage: PRE2017 3 Groep6.

First of all, this document had to be renamed considering "Project Planning" linked us through to another group's planning page which we could edit as well. This seems more like a bug than a feature.

During the first week of the project, every team member dove into locating and reading online articles and other literature that could be relevant for our research, and a clear planning was yet to be made. After having conducted our research, we had a better idea about what we wanted to do and accomplish in the time we have for this project. There are going to be two deliverables; a literature study and alongside to the a computer model based on existing technology and information.
For the planning, several subtopics need to be considered and placed in a proper lineup. These topics can overlap, considering multiple team members can work on multiple topics at a time. The milestones are set at specific dates as of now, but aside from the final milestones, these could face minor alterations depending on our experiences during the project.