PRE2016 3 Groep8

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Student Numbers of group 8 members

- 0957735

- 0895428

- 0955135

- 0957168

- 0960769

- 0959019


Problem definition

More than 1.2 million people in the Netherlands have diabetes. That is about one out of every fourteen people and everyday about 169 people are newly diagnosed. [1] Although it is treatable with medicines or insulin, it is a chronically disease you are confronted with everyday. Depending on the type of diabetes, people have to insert insulin three times a day, around every meal. A diabetes patient always has to keep track of the number of grams of carbohydrates that have been consumed. On the basis of a formula, it can be calculated how much insulin is needed to keep ones blood sugar level on healthy terms. However, this is a standard formula for everyone and throughout your own life it also differs how much extra insulin is needed for every gram of carbohydrates. This formula should actually differ for every person and change from time to time. It is also quite some work to always keep track of the food or carbohydrates you have eaten, especially for a plate full of hot steaming food...

Our solution

Our goal is to develop a diabetes application that helps a patient with the problems mentioned above. The most important part of the application is an algorithm that learns from the user and optimizes the formula accordingly.

Week planning

Case scenario


