Mobile Robot Control 2023 Group 8

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Group members

Name student ID
Eline Wisse 1335162
Lotte Rassaerts 1330004
Marijn Minkenberg 1357751

Exercise 1 : The art of not crashing

Instead of just stopping, we made the robot turn around whenever it came close to a wall in front of it. The video of the bobo robot running our dont_crash script can be found here:

Navigation Assignment 1

It is more efficient to only place nodes at turning points of the robot (so it can drive straight from node to node), or at a decision point (where the robot can take either of two routes). In between the nodes, the robot will have to drive straight anyway, so it is not necessary to use extra nodes in between. This way the number of nodes is decreased from 41 to 20. Hence, the algorithm will have to explore fewer nodes on the way. This will save unnecessary computations, making the algorithm more efficient.

Figure 1: Efficient node placement for A* algorithm

Navigation Assignment 2

See main branch in repository.

The used approach for this assignment is open space detection. First, it is determined whether the range of the laser data is within the set horizon. This is evaluated for the laser data over the whole range. If the range of the laser point is larger than the horizon, this laser point is added to the open space. Laser points of the open space that are next to each other, belang to the same open space. Hence, it can be the case that the robot observes multiple open spaces. In this case, the robot chooses the largest open space, and drives to the middle of it. The robot will only correct its direction, if the new open space deviates more than 5 laser points from the previous one. This, to make sure the movement is smooth. On top of that, when the change of the open space is below the threshold, the robot keeps driving forward for 0.5 seconds, if no object is detected over its horizon.

Screen recording of simulation: