MatLabscript lijndetectie

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clear all close all clc
%%Loading in the video videoPlayer = vision.VideoPlayer('Name','Original Image','Position', [100, 200, 400, 400]); outputPlayer = vision.VideoPlayer('Name','Threshold','Position',[600,200, 400, 400]); outputPlayer2 = vision.VideoPlayer('Name','Skeleton','Position',[1100,200, 400, 400]); release(outputPlayer); release(videoPlayer); nr=0; videoReader = vision.VideoFileReader('topcamvideo.avi'); % outputPlayer = vision.outputPlayer

while isOpen(videoPlayer) || nr==0 frame = step(videoReader); frame = rgb2gray(frame); %Converting to black and white (single matrix) step(videoPlayer,frame) videoPlayer.step(frame)
%%Threshold % Filters the image, above a certain threshold will become 1 (white), below % the threshold will become 0 (black). bin_img=im2bw(frame, 0.3); %Creating a binary image [original, value] bin_img=imopen(bin_img,strel('square',3));  % image opening bin_img=imclose(bin_img,strel('square',5));  % image closing outputPlayer.step(bin_img) step(outputPlayer,bin_img)
%%Skeleton function (was not used, but could be useful) % Filters the image, creates an medial axis (hartlijn) at every point of % the blob. The middle pixels of the thick lines remain white. skel_img=bwmorph(bin_img,'skel',15); hor_skel_img=imopen(skel_img,strel('line',5,0)); %Filtering out horizontal lines [minlength,angle] hor_skel_img=imclose(hor_skel_img,strel('disk',5)); ver_skel_img=imopen(skel_img,strel('line',5,90)); %Filtering out vertical lines [minlength,angle] ver_skel_img=imclose(ver_skel_img,strel('disk',5)); skel_img=hor_skel_img+ver_skel_img; %Adding horizontal + vertical % skel_img=imdilate(skel_img,strel('disk',9)); % skel_img=imerode(skel_img,strel('disk',5));
outputPlayer2.step(skel_img) step(outputPlayer2,skel_img)
nr=nr+1; end videoPlayer.hide(); outputPlayer.hide(); outputPlayer2.hide(); close all;