Embedded Motion Control 2018 Group 1

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Group Members

TU/e Number Name E-mail
1279602 Ahmed Hizar (A.H.) Ahmed Ajmal a.h.ahmed.ajmal@student.tue.nl
0914013 Jari (J.J.) van Steen j.j.v.steen@student.tue.nl
0924842 Nazar (N.) Rozkvas n.rozkvas@student.tue.nl
1279491 Arpit (A.) Aggarwal a.aggarwal@student.tue.nl
1031018 Willem (W.) Verhoeven w.b.verhoeven@student.tue.nl

Initial Design

The initial design report can be found at: Initial design report group 1.

Program structure for the Escape challenge

The program has been built in accordance to the Initial Design (Initial design report group 1) having the following 3 structural blocks: Detection, Planning and Control. Each of these correspond to a separate class, functionality of which is described in more detail below.

Execution of the program is sequential, such that the methods are called one-by-one depending on the state of the robot. The states are controlled by boolean flags, which include

  • turn - a flag set to "true" by the planning block when no exit is detected and we wish to turn around to examine the other half of the room. It is unchecked when the control block completes the turn;
  • drive_frw - a flag set to "true" by the planning block when exit is detected a PICO has to move in that direction or when no exit is detected and the robot should move in the direction of the furthest point detected;
  • turned_once - a flag set to true by the planning block after the first turn in the case exit is not detected form the original orientation. This flag ensures that no continuous turning occurs. The value is set to "false" when drive_frw is set to "true";
  • in_corridor - a flag set in the main function when the execution cycle for moving towards the exit it completed. This assumes that PICO is at the exit and a different algorithm for setpoints generation is executed in the planning block;
  • escaped - a flag set by the detection block, when no reasonable data is detected after passing through the corridor. As this flag is turned to true, the program should stop executing.

The whole program consisted of 4 C++ classes:

1. main.cpp

  • This is the main function where the program starts. It initializes the objects