Embedded Motion Control 2014 Group 11

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Revision as of 12:46, 10 May 2014 by S095488 (talk | contribs)
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Group Members

Name: Student id: Email:
Groupmembers (email all)
Martijn Goorden 0739273 m.a.goorden@student.tue.nl
Tim Hazelaar 0747409 t.a.hazelaar@student.tue.nl
Stefan Heijmans 0738205 s.h.j.heijmans@student.tue.nl
Laurens Martens 0749215 l.p.martens@student.tue.nl
Robin de Rozario 0746242 r.d.rozario@student.tue.nl
Yuri Steinbuch 0752627 y.f.steinbuch@student.tue.nl
Ramon Wijnands n/a r.w.j.wijnands@tue.nl

Time survey

The time survey of this group will be hosted on a Google drive. Therefore, all group members can easily add information and anyone can see the up-to-date information. The document can be accesed by clicking this link: time survey group 11


Week 1 (28/4 - 4/5)

Finish the tutorials, including

  • installing Ubuntu,
  • installing ROS
  • installing SVN
  • get known with C++
  • get known with ROS

Week 2 (5/5 - 11/5)

Finish the tutorials (before 8/5)

  • Setting up an IDE
  • Setting up the PICO simulator

Work out subproblems for the corridor competition (before 12/5)

Comment on Gazebo Tutorial

When initializing Gazebo, one should run the gzserver comment, however, this can result in a malfunctioning program, i.e. you will get the following message: Segmentation fault (core dumped). The solution for this is to run Gazebo in debugging mode (gdb):

  1. Open a terminal (ctrl-alt-t)
  2. Run:
    gdb /usr/bin/gzserver
    when (gbd) is shown, type run and <enter>
  3. Open another terminal (ctrl-alt-t)
  4. Run:
    gdb /usr/bin/gzclient
    when (gbd) is shown, type run and <enter>

Comment on running Rviz

Simular to the Gazebo tutorial, the command rosrun pico_visualization rviz can also result in an error: Segmentation fault (core dumped). Hereto, the solution is to run Rviz in debugging mode:

  1. Open a terminal (ctrl-alt-t)
  2. Run:
    gdb /opt/ros/groovy/lib/rviz/rviz
    when (gbd) is shown, type run and <enter>

Moreover, in order for the camera to work properly, in the Displays view on the left change the Fixed Frame.

Corridor competition

Corridor detection

First a horizon R is being set. Every value r(i) > R is being replaced by r(i) = -R. This can be seen in the figure below where R=3.

R to -R.jpg

Then the change in the radii are evaluated: dr = r(i+1) - r(i). When dr>R then r(i+1) is saved, when dr<-R then r(i) is saved. A set-point can be set in between the two corridor points. However there are 4 points in this situation (see figure left below), the two central represent the corridor. Any outer point can be removed from the set (figure center below), this results in at least one pair of 2 corridor points (figure right below shows the possibility of multiple corridor point pairs)

Corridor fout.jpg Corridor goed.jpg Corridor multiple.jpg