Embedded Motion Control 2014 Group 1

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Group Info

Name: Student id: Email:
Groupmembers (email all)
Sander Hoen 0609581 s.j.l.hoen@student.tue.nl
Marc Meijs 0761519 m.j.meijs@student.tue.nl
Wouter van Buul 0675642 w.b.v.buul@student.tue.nl
Richard Treuren 0714998 h.a.treuren@student.tue.nl
Joep van Putten 0588616 b.j.c.v.putten@student.tue.nl
Sjoerd van den Dries n/a s.v.d.dries@tue.nl


  1. Meeting - 2014-05-02

Time Table

Fill in the time you spend on this course on Dropbox "Time survey 4k450.xlsx"


Week 1 (2014-04-25 - 2014-05-02)

  • Installing Ubuntu 12.04
  • Installing ROS
  • Following tutorials on C++ and ROS.
  • Setup SVN
  • Plan a strategy for the corridor challenge

Week 2 (2014-05-03 - 2014-05-09)

  • Finishing tutorials
  • Interpret laser sensor
  • Positioning of PICO

Week 3 (2014-05-10 - 2014-05-16)

Software architecture

We decided to use a architecture as seen as the following figure: (Joep ->> insert here the figure).

The components with their respective functions and in and outputs are listed here + who wil work on it:

Line detection - Sander
inputs: --
function: transformation of raw data to lines by use of hough-transform
output: lines consisting out of start and end point (x_1,y_1),(x_2,y_2) etc.

Position - Richard inputs: line coordinates
function: Determine distance to wall to left, right and front wall. Also determines angle theta with respect to the corridor.
output: (X_left, X_right, Y, theta) also named 'relative position'

Drive - Marc
inputs: setpoint, relative position
function: make sure that pico is positioned centered if this is needed and turn when needed.
outputs: (Moving pico)

state recognition - Joep
inputs: lines, vision, relative position
function: recognize situation and transform this to one of the states.
For the corridor challenge the following states are defined:

1. initialization
2. exit left
3. exit right
4. straight driving
5. collision
6. exit (stop with the program).

setpoint generator - Wouter
input: state, relative position
function: Create setpoint for position of pico by use of state. (determine wanted position and speed).
output: speed and position

PICO states corridor challenge

For the robot, the internal states can be visualized as in the following figure:
Automaton corridor01.png