PRE2019 3 Group15

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Group Members

Name Study Student ID
Mats Erdkamp Industrial Design 1342665
Sjoerd Leemrijse Psychology & Technology 1009082
Daan Versteeg Electrical Engineering 1325213
Yvonne Vullers Electrical Engineering 1304577
Teun Wittenbols Industrial Design 1300148

SotA (Summary of articles of interest)

  1. Yoshii, K., Nakadai, K., Torii, T., Hasegawa, Y., Tsujino, H., Komatani, K., ... & Okuno, H. G. (2007, October). A biped robot that keeps steps in time with musical beats while listening to music with its own ears. In 2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (pp. 1743-1750). IEEE.

This research presents a robot that is able to move according to the beat of the music and is also able to predict the beats in real time. The results show that the robot can adjust its steps in time with the beat times as the tempo changes.

  1. Kashino, K., Nakadai, K., Kinoshita, T., & Tanaka, H. (1995). Application of Bayesian probability network to music scene analysis. Computational auditory scene analysis, 1(998), 1-15.

In this paper a music scene analysis system is developed that can recognize rhythm, chords and source-separated musical notes from incoming music using a Bayesian probability network. Even though 1995 is not particularly state-of-the-art, these kinds of technology could be used in our robot to work with music.

  1. Huron, D. (2002). Music information processing using the Humdrum toolkit: Concepts, examples, and lessons. Computer Music Journal, 26(2), 11-26.

This article introduces Humdrum, which is software with a variety of applications in music. One can also look at Humdrum is a set of command-line tools that facilitates musical analysis. It is used often in for example Pyhton or Cpp scripts to generate interesting programs with applications in music. Therefore, this program might be of interest to our project.

  1. Choi, K., Fazekas, G., Cho, K., & Sandler, M. (2017). A tutorial on deep learning for music information retrieval. arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.04396.

This paper is meant for beginners in the field of deep learning for MIR (Music Information Retrieval). This is a very useful technique in our project to let the robot gain musical knowledge and insight in order to play an enjoyable set of music.

  1. Pérez-Marcos, J., & Batista, V. L. (2017, June). Recommender system based on collaborative filtering for spotify’s users. In International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (pp. 214-220). Springer, Cham.

This paper takes a mathematical approach in recommending new songs to a person, based on similarity with the previously listened and rated songs. These kinds of algorithms are very common in music systems like Spotify and of utter use in a DJ-robot. The DJ-robot has to know which songs fit its current set and it therefore needs these algorithms for track selection.

Jannach, D., Kamehkhosh, I., & Lerche, L. (2017, April). Leveraging multi-dimensional user models for personalized next-track music recommendation. In Proceedings of the Symposium on Applied Computing (pp. 1635-1642).

This article focuses on next-track recommendation. While most systems base this recommendation only on the previously listened songs, this paper takes a multi-dimensional (for example long-term user preferences) approach in order to make a better recommendation for the next track to be played.