Embedded Motion Control 2018 Group 2

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Group Members

TU/e Number Name E-mail
0843128 Robbert (R.) Louwers r.louwers@student.tue.nl
1037038 Daniël (D.J.M.) Bos D.J.M.Bos@student.tue.nl
0895324 Lars () Janssen l dot g dot l dot janssen at student dot tue dot nl
Clara () Butt
Dorus () van Dinther

Initial Design

Requirements: For the two different challenges different requirements are be composed, however most of the requirements for the first challenge, the escape room challenge, are also necessary for the final, hospital challenge.

For the first challenge the robot has to be able to:

  • find the exit of a room
  • execute all tasks autonomously
  • the exit should be found within 5 minutes
  • drive out of the exit of the room until the rear wheel has crossed the line
  • perform all tasks without hitting a wall

For the second challenge the robot has to be able to:

  • explore all the rooms of the hospital (3-6 rooms)
 * detect and enter rooms
 * detect and exit rooms 
  • map and save the content of the rooms
  • find its starting position back and park backwards to the wall behind it
  • use its map to find an object that is placed within one of the rooms
  • stop close to the newly place object
  • perform all tasks within a time span of 5 minutes
  • perform all tasks without hitting a wall

Nice to haves: Before the hospital challenge a high-level hint will be given that states in which room the object that has to be found will be placed. A "nice to have" would therefore be some sort of interpreter that is able to deduce in which room, as described in the world model, the object will be placed.

World model:

Tasks: asdas asdf asdf asdfa

Skills: adsadf adfa sdfasdf asdf