PRE2016 3 Groep16

From Control Systems Technology Group
Revision as of 14:32, 20 February 2017 by S150765 (talk | contribs) (→‎Week 3)
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Group members

Student ID Name
09 M.D Visser
09 G. Marzano
09 R. Schalk
09 T. Jansen
09 J. Van Galen
09 B.G.M Hopman


This is the Wiki page for the project Robots everywhere (0LAUK0) of group 16. The subject chosen is "Detection of people by using drones equipped with IR/heat sensors and Camera". Developing such a technology would make an impact due to the several applications it carries along. In the first phase of the project, after brainstorming, the following applications emerged:

  • Find refugees in open sea
  • Local security and criminals detection
  • Inspection of insulation materials in houses (not directly "human recognition", but considered a valuable research)



  • showing that drones can be implemented in substitution of regular surveillance vehicles/cameras, consequently reducing costs and risks for operators.(Principle of Unnecessary Risk-PUR )
  • Autonomous movement (User)

Application 1: Refugees search

  • Reducing costs for refugee search in open sea (Society)
  • Increase relative number of rescued refugees (Society)

Application 2: Surveillance & Security Drones

  • Reduce the number of crimes (Society)
  • Have a better understanding of crime distribution (Society)
  • Make surveillance cheaper and more efficient (Enterprise & Society)
  • Large scale surveillance

Application 3: Insulation in houses

  • Verify heat losses in buildings
  • Increased efficiency of procedure (analyze multiple living units & buildings at same time)
  • Reduction of costs for maintenance and related time



  • Determine the demands and benefits for user, society & enterprise.
  • Divide group in subgroups working on different aspects of the project.
  • Make a detailed planning.


  • Equip the drone with a thermal camera (considering that a drone can be provided by TU/e).
  • Program the drone and tune the sensors (e.g. find the threshold voltages) to detect the different values.
  • Link the obtained data to an environmental structure (e.g. environment heat model).
  • Adjust program in order to map properly the perimeters and consider the external heat deviations.
  • Act on the environment under inspection (e.g. transmitting signal to operator).


To organize the workload of the project a planning is required, where the main requirements and deadlines are set, together with the task division.

????? GANTT CHART ?????


Weekly the progress of the group is going to be reported in this logbook. The purpose is to keep the full group up to date with the progress of each sub group. Moreover, it is useful to be always able to compare the actual progress with the planning.

Week 1

Week 2

During week 2 the group had to present the subject of the project, with the relative objectives and approach. Based on the feedback received, the group starts to focus on one of the application presented: """"""APPLICATION""

USE analysis of the application


State of the art

""""that thingy on the news""""

Week 3

In preparation for the presentation of this week, the group defines the deliverables of the project


  • A working drone equipped with thermal-sensing camera capable of detecting humans
  • Complete wiki with all relevant information on the project. This includes an introduction, a context analysis (state of the art), problem statement, research and USE perspective, and finally a conclusion with some ideas for further improvement.

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8