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On this page the programming of the RCX 2.0 bricks will be updated and saved.

V1, simple driving and turning loop

task main() {

 int i = 0;
   motor[motorA] =  100;    //motor A is run at a 100 power level
   motor[motorC] =  100;    //motor C is run at a 100 power level
   wait1Msec(2000);         //the program waits 3000 milliseconds before running further code
   //ClearSensorValue(rotationSensorA);                                                //rotation sensor A is reset to 0
   //ClearSensorValue(rotationSensorB);                                                //rotation sensor B is reset to 0
   //while(SensorValue(rotationSensorA) < 320 && SensorValue(rotationSensorB) > -320)  //a while loop is delcared with rotation sensor A less than 320 AND rotation sensor B greater than -320 as its true condition
   //motor[motorA] = 100;	                                                    //motor A is run at a 100 power level
   //motor[motorB] = -100;                                                           //motor B is run at a -100 power level
   motor[motorA] =   100;   //motor A is run at a 100 power level
   motor[motorC] =  -100;   //motor C is run at a 100 power level
   wait1Msec(500);          //the program waits 3000 milliseconds before running further code
   i++;                     //the variable "i" is incremented by one
 while(i < 10);             //after each iteration of the loop is conducted, the truth condition, "i" less than 20, is checked


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