PRE2017 3 Groep7

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In the U.S., it is estimated that one in every 190 people have suffered from limb loss. [1] This shows the importance and opportunity of prosthetics. For all these people, their old functions can be regained with the use of a prosthetic limb.


USE: It is important to look at the user aspects of wrist prostheses. For this there will be looked at the end users, society and enterprise.

Users: The users of a hand prothesis will be people who have somehow lost their hand or arm entirely. Their current way of living would be improved by giving them the possibility to use their prosthesis to pick up objects, which would also help them with basic uses of the hand. Further development could lead to even more possibilities such as catching objects or typing. This would greatly improve the quality of life for these people.

The preferences of the users would of course be a full-fuctioning arm and hand with perhaps even additional functions. The question is whether or not this is desirable, since if a prosthetic hand is more useful than u human one it could incentivise people to have a prostetic hand even if their current hand is still functioning.

Society: A hand prothesis will allow people who lose their arm or hand to more easily rehabilitate to their normal lives and jobs.

Enterprise: The enterprise will be able to sell prostheses.



The results of this project will be presented in the form of a 3D Functional Model (FuMo) together with an algorithm. The model will consist of a design for a prosthetic hand and wrist in a 3D environment (Probably NX10). Since the design will be virtual as of now, the two deliverables cannot be combined to give a single result. However the algorithms functionality will still be proven in another way. If in the next couple weeks it is concluded that a physical model is possible to make within the given time frame, the option will be considered.


Planning and milestones
Name Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Eva Search for useful sources and make a planning; do research on robot hands Relate research on human hands to the research on robotic hands; start on the design (FuMo) Work on the design Finish draft
Jurre Finding sources; do research on human hands Relate research on human hands to the research on robotic hands Cell 4 Cell 5
Karsten Write about deliverables; do research on control mechanism for prosthetic hand Start on the design (FuMo) Work on the design; implement stability/force feedback Finish draft
Steven Write about users; do research on machine learning for prostheses Start on machine learning algorithm Work on machine learning algorithm Finish first version of algorithm
Thijs Do research on machine learning for prostheses Start on machine learning algorithm Work on machine learning algorithm Finish first version of algorithm
Name Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8
Eva Improve design Finish design; work on presentation Presentation -
Jurre Cell 2 Cell 3 Presentation -
Karsten Improve design Finish design; work on presentation Presentation -
Steven Improvements in efficiency/running time of algorithm Finish algorithm, work on presentation Presentation -
Thijs Improvements in efficiency/running time of algorithm Finish algorithm, work on presentation Presentation -

The yellow fields are the milestones.

Literature study

Coaching questions

Coaching Questions Group 7


1. K. Ziegler-Graham, E. J. MacKenzie, P.L. Epharim, T. G. Travinson, and R. Brookmeyer. Estimating the prevalence of limb loss in the united stated: 2005 to 2050. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 89:422-429, March 2008









