PRE2016 4 Groep1: Difference between revisions

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**Check the progress
**Check the progress
**Complete the final wiki page
**Complete the final wiki page
'''Role distribution and Gantt chart for the project'''
{| class="wikitable"
! Task name
! Start
! End
! Duration (days)
! Role distribution
| Determine the subject
| 24-4-2017
| 25-4-2017
| 1
| Everyone
| Create the planning
| 24-4-2017
| 1-5-2017
| 7
| Dennis, Roy
| Background and state of the art research
| 24-4-2017
| 8-5-2017
| 14
| Sjoerd, Andrei
| USE perspective and aspects
| 24-4-2017
| 8-5-2017
| 14
| Stijn, Dennis, Roy
| Composition of the room
| 8-5-2017
| 11-5-2017
| 3
| Sjoerd, Roy
| Design requirements
| 8-5-2017
| 11-5-2017
| 3
| Dennis, Stijn
| Global design for a single room
| 11-5-2017
| 22-5-2017
| 11
| Andrei, Roy, Dennis
| Elaborate the design
| 22-5-2017
| 25-5-2017
| 3
| Sjoerd, Stijn
| Possible extensions
| 22-5-2017
| 25-5-2017
| 3
| Sjoerd, Dennis
| Global design for a home
| 25-5-2017
| 7-6-2017
| 13
| Roy, Stijn, Andrei
| Evaluate the single room design
| 7-6-2017
| 12-6-2017
| 5
| Dennis, Roy
| Evaluate the home design
| 7-6-2017
| 12-6-2017
| 5
| Sjoerd, Andrei, Stijn

Revision as of 20:51, 30 April 2017

Group Members

  • Sjoerd van Helden 0893960
  • Stijn Middelhuis 0947014
  • Roy Niemark 0956824
  • Andrei Pintillie 0980402
  • Dennis Struver 0955477

Week 1

Below the progress after the first week is given. There is worked on several different assignments and a start is made with the project.

Meeting outcome

Agreements for meetings: Monday after presentation/feedback we have a meeting of 1 hour. After that we can work on the divided Self Study Assignments (SSA’s) if we want but that is optional. When needed, there can also be a meeting planned at thursday afternoon.

Keep our wiki up to date, the wiki will be checked on Sunday evening for the feedback on Monday.

Possible subjects:

  • SMART Home for children – Make the house safe for children, lock doors, keep cabinets locked, give alerts to the parent, turn down the hot water. Important: Cost (USE perspective).
  • Educational robot for children with autism – Help children with autism get more communicative.
  • Distribution robot – Distribute the right amount of medicine to an elderly person at the times he/she has to take his/her medicine.
  • Green energy – Solar panels.

Assignments and results


The most important thing for parents is the safety of their child. Having to constantly watch the child costs a lot of time and effort for the parents. To help parents, we have come up with an idea so parents do not have to worry about the child, but guarantees safety.

The concept is a smart house that enhances the safety of the child. For example, if the mother has to go grocery shopping, normally she would have to take the child with her. With a smart house she can leave the child at home and the house will keep the child safe for the duration the mother is away.

This is concept for children with an age between 1 and 8 years old. At this age, a child is able to move by itself but is not able to stay at home alone. The smart house keeps the child away from dangerous situations or object. For example, when the house detects the child near a sink with hot water, it shuts off the hot water so the child cannot burn himself. But also checking the water level in sink and shutting off the water when it gets to a level where the child could drown.


The main objective is to research a system that will detect whether there is a child in the room or an adult. Because, if there is an adult in the room, the child is much less at risk. This SMART home system has implementations all over the house that it can use to enhance the safety of the child.

Further objectives are to investigate what potential dangers there are for a child in a house. The most important factor in this system is ‘danger recognition’, other functions the system can use are for example closing/locking doors, shutting off the water or locking drawers. The communication between different devices that the home uses has to be smooth. Also the possibility of removing and implementing the system easily is an important objective. Because the intended audience for this system are children between 1 and 8 years old, the system has a specific task that gets reduced every year.

In this project, the impact from the USE perspective is analysed, a concept design will be made and will be evaluated from different perspectives, for example like cost and benefit.


The main users are the parents of the child. They are buying a system that gets installed in their house to protect their child. They have to be sure that the child will be kept save, the child self will barely know the system is there. A system that satisfies the parents needs is automatically a good system for the child. But still the system has to be child safe, and the child itself is also a user. When the parents already have an older child or a nanny visits several times a week, they can be seen as primary users too. Secondary users are the maintenance people that install the system, and during its life cycle conduct maintenance.


First we are going to study the contemplated subject. We will set goals, make assumptions and discuss what we want to have in the end with the respect to the USE perspective. We are going to focus on an average environment and will extend from there. At the start we are going to do research on the projects about similar subjects that already exist and look at what is possible in this project with the current technology. Also we want to know the basics about children in their home, frequent accidents and injuries that occur and preferences of parents in general. With this knowledge and the set goals we will design a concept for a ‘safety smart-home’ and elaborate on the features, possibilities and extensions.

Project planning

For a project it is important to have a good project planning. Below the planning for this project is given. The week planning and a role distribution is made to keep track of the progress and provide a guideline while working on this project. The planning follows the process and sets several milestones that are important to achieve. The planning is made at the begin of the project and has some room for adjustments, if necessary. The first two weeks are dedicated mainly to doing research and problem defining. In the third week a start should be made with the first concept design. The weeks to follow are dedicated to finishing the first concept design and making the complete final design of the SMART home. In these weeks the process, decisions and problems should be checked and be described. In week seven the last two milestones should be achieved: finish the concept design and evaluate it. During every week, the wiki should be updated with the progress made up until that point. The last week is dedicated to preparing for the final presentation and finalizing the wiki.

The general approach of this project consists of the following milestones:

  1. Research background, state of the art and similar existing systems
  2. Conceptualizing the subject with respect to the knowledge gathered
  3. Make a global design for a single room
  4. Extend and finalize the concept design
  5. Evaluate the design concept and work out possible extensions and cost/benefit-analysis


Week 1

  • Determine the subject
    • Formulate the problem
    • Create idea’s for a concept
    • Objectives
    • Involved users
  • Research about background, state of the art and similar existing systems
  • Create planning and presentation

Week 2

  • Finish the research (Milestone 1)
    • Children and accidents
    • Existing SMART Homes and its collaboration with safety measures
    • Typical house environments for children
    • State of the art technology that could be implemented or used.
    • Existing systems made for safety of children
    • User benefit
  • Determine important and critical points of interest
  • Look into the subject from a USE perspective and determine relevant USE aspects

Week 3

  • Conceptualize the subject with the knowledge gathered (Milestone 2)
    • Composition of the room
    • Components (technological) which can be used
    • Elaboration of the design requirements
  • Start of the global design for a single room
    • Search for essential information
    • Determine which room considering several factors that are of importance
    • Determine the software for the design
    • Decide the degree of detail that the design should have

Week 4

  • Finish the global design for a single room (Milestone 3)
  • Elaboration of the global design:
    • Process, decisions, result and problems on the wiki
    • List of possible extensions
    • Approximate cost and risk prevention for this design

Week 5

  • Adjust and/or extend the conceptualization definition if necessary
  • Start of the global design for a home
    • Search for essential information
    • Decide the degree of detail that the design should have
    • Decide which implementations are optional

Week 6

  • Extend and refine the design for a home
    • Continue working on the design
    • Refining the design and implementations for specific rooms

Week 7

  • Finish the SMART Home design (Milestone 4)
    • Elaboration of the process, decisions, result and problems
    • List of possible extensions
  • Evaluate the SMART Home design (Milestone 5)
    • The design
    • Optional implementations/extensions
    • Impact and shortcomings
    • Cost and benefit analysis
  • Create presentation

Week 8

  • Finish, prepare and give the presentation
  • Finish the wiki
    • Reorganize if necessary
    • Check the progress
    • Complete the final wiki page

Role distribution and Gantt chart for the project

Task name Start End Duration (days) Role distribution
Determine the subject 24-4-2017 25-4-2017 1 Everyone
Create the planning 24-4-2017 1-5-2017 7 Dennis, Roy
Background and state of the art research 24-4-2017 8-5-2017 14 Sjoerd, Andrei
USE perspective and aspects 24-4-2017 8-5-2017 14 Stijn, Dennis, Roy
Composition of the room 8-5-2017 11-5-2017 3 Sjoerd, Roy
Design requirements 8-5-2017 11-5-2017 3 Dennis, Stijn
Global design for a single room 11-5-2017 22-5-2017 11 Andrei, Roy, Dennis
Elaborate the design 22-5-2017 25-5-2017 3 Sjoerd, Stijn
Possible extensions 22-5-2017 25-5-2017 3 Sjoerd, Dennis
Global design for a home 25-5-2017 7-6-2017 13 Roy, Stijn, Andrei
Evaluate the single room design 7-6-2017 12-6-2017 5 Dennis, Roy
Evaluate the home design 7-6-2017 12-6-2017 5 Sjoerd, Andrei, Stijn