MATLAB Videotracking code

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Onderstaande MATLAB code werkt volgens het principe dat beschreven staat in videotracking. De variabelen d, w en s aan het begin van de code kunnen op 0 of 1 gezet worden om respectievelijk de drone, een webcam en setup mode te gebruiken. Hierdoor kunnen makkelijk delen van de code uitgeschakeld worden, zonder gebruik te maken van een ingewikkelde user interface.

%% Drone Control 
% Toolboxes: Computer Vision, Image Acquisition, Webcam Support if webcam is used
close all;

d=1; %turn drone on/off w=1; %switch file/live input vid_loc = 'POV_camera_test.wmv'; %video input file s=1; %setup mode: on/off, switch this off for speed for multiple tests after each other
%% Setup Objects
clear video;
if s
disp('Creating system objects...');
videoPlayer = vision.VideoPlayer('Name','Input','Position', [10, 400, 500, 250]);
outputPlayer = vision.VideoPlayer('Name','Filter 1','Position',[700,50, 500, 250]);
%outputPlayer2 = vision.VideoPlayer('Name','Filter 2','Position',[700,400, 500, 250]);
release(outputPlayer); release(videoPlayer);
nr = 0; %frame nr
%setup blob analyzer
blob = vision.BlobAnalysis('BoundingBoxOutputPort', true, ...
           'MajorAxisLengthOutputPort',true,'EccentricityOutputPort', true, 'CentroidOutputPort', true, ...
           'MinimumBlobArea', 500, 'MaximumBlobArea',8000);
%% Open File / Stream
if w video = webcam(2);
else videoReader = vision.VideoFileReader(vid_loc); end
%tuneable vars
i = 1; %intensity of green filter
coeffO = 3;
coeffC = 15; 
%% Start video players before launch, for speed
disp('Starting video players...');
if w frame = snapshot(video);
else frame = step(videoReader); end
s = size(frame);
Reconstruction = zeros(s(1),s(2));
step(videoPlayer, frame);
step(outputPlayer, frame); release(outputPlayer);
%step(outputPlayer2, frame); release(outputPlayer2); 
%% Process frames one by one
if d
   disp('Connecting to Drone...');
  %drone = ARDrone();
disp('Camera analysis is starting...');
if d
disp('--WARNING: Drone is taking off--');
Href = 1.5;
%Continue until window is closed
while (isOpen(videoPlayer) || nr==0)
  %% 1 Read a single frame
  %Height control
  if d
   %every x frames, check if height value
   h = drone.Altitude;
   Altitude(drone, h, Href);
   if (nr>100 && mod(nr,100)==0 && h==0)
       disp('---WARNING: NO DATA FROM DRONE---');;
       disp('--Drone is landing--');
  if w frame = snapshot(video);
  else frame = videoReader.step(); end
  %% 2 Filter image (frame)
  %Filter out green (or anything like it) only
  %Formula: Mask is (G-i*B)<0 and (G-i*R)<0
  Mask = frame(:,:,2)<frame(:,:,3)*i & frame(:,:,2)<frame(:,:,1)*i;
  if w Mask = uint8(Mask); end
  %Filter lines with variable threshold
  Ifr = rgb2gray(frame); %grayscale
  thres = max(Ifr(:))*0.8;
  Lines = (Ifr>thres);
  Lines = imopen(Lines, strel('rectangle', [coeffO,coeffO]));
  Lines = imclose(Lines, strel('rectangle', [coeffC, coeffC]));
  %% 3 Detect objects
  %Detect ball 
  if w Red = frame-50;
  else Red = frame*255; Ifr = Ifr*255; end
  Red = Red(:,:,1)>Red(:,:,2)*1.5 & Red(:,:,1)>Red(:,:,3)*1.5 & Ifr>100 & Ifr<210;
  Red = imopen(Red, strel('rectangle', [coeffO,coeffO]));
  Red = imclose(Red, strel('rectangle', [coeffC,coeffC]));
  %3a: detect blobs, return centroids, bounding boxes, eccentricity and
  [~,centr,bbox,diam,ecc] = step(blob,Red);              
  %3b: maximize for most round object
  if ~isempty(centr)    
       [~,I] = min(ecc,[],1);
       bbox = bbox(I,:);
       centr = centr(I,:);
       diam = diam(I)
  %check if max is indeed round (i.e. if anything useful detected)
  if ecc > 1
       ecc = [];
       centr = [];
       bbox = [];
       diam = [];
  s = size(frame);
  Reconstruction = zeros(s(1),s(2));
   if ~isempty(centr)
       m = [round(centr(2)),round(centr(1))]; %midpoint, note: centr = [x y], size = [y x]
       if (m(1)>0 && m(2)>0 && m(1)<s(1) && m(2)<s(2))
           %set center pixel to 1, create circle around it
           %Reconstruction = imdilate(Reconstruction,strel('disk', round(diam(1)/2*0.8),8));
           %DOESNT WORK %Reconstruction = bwdist(Reconstruction) <= round(diam/2);
  %% 4 Send the frame to the video players
  Red = insertShape(1.*Red, 'Circle', [centr diam./2]);
  Red = insertShape(1.*Red, 'Line', [s(2)/2,0,s(2)/2,s(1)]);
  %step(videoPlayer, frame);
  %outputPlayer2.Name = 'Reconstruction';
  %step(outputPlayer2, Reconstruction);
  outputPlayer.Name = 'Red Filter';
  step(outputPlayer, Red);
  nr = nr+1; %increment frame nr     
  %% 5 Output
  if ~isempty(centr)
   Out_vector = [centr(1,:) diam(1)];
   Out_vector = [0 0 0];
  if (d && h>0.8*Href)
  %Call Daans functie
videoPlayer.hide(); outputPlayer.hide(); %outputPlayer2.hide();
close all;
disp('Stopping video analysis...');
if d
   disp('--Drone is landing--');
   %Land the drone

Terug naar: PRE2015_2_Groep2, videotracking.