MATLAB Videotracking code

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Onderstaande MATLAB code werkt volgens het principe dat beschreven staat in videotracking.

%% Drone Control
% Toolboxes: Computer Vision, Image Acquisition, Webcam Support if webcam % is used %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
close all;
d=1; %turn drone on/off w=1; %switch file/live input vid_loc = 'POV_camera_test.wmv'; %video input file s=1; %setup mode: on/off, switch this off for speed for multiple tests after each other

%% Setup Objects clear video; if s disp('Creating system objects...');

videoPlayer = vision.VideoPlayer('Name','Input','Position', [10, 400, 500, 250]); outputPlayer = vision.VideoPlayer('Name','Filter 1','Position',[700,50, 500, 250]); %outputPlayer2 = vision.VideoPlayer('Name','Filter 2','Position',[700,400, 500, 250]); end

release(outputPlayer); release(videoPlayer);

nr = 0; %frame nr

%setup blob analyzer blob = vision.BlobAnalysis('BoundingBoxOutputPort', true, ...

           'MajorAxisLengthOutputPort',true,'EccentricityOutputPort', true, 'CentroidOutputPort', true, ...
           'MinimumBlobArea', 500, 'MaximumBlobArea',8000);

%% Open File / Stream

%%webcam if w video = webcam(2); else videoReader = vision.VideoFileReader(vid_loc); end

%tuneable vars i = 1; %intensity of green filter coeffO = 3; coeffC = 15;

%% Start video players before launch, for speed disp('Starting video players...'); if w frame = snapshot(video); else frame = step(videoReader); end s = size(frame); Reconstruction = zeros(s(1),s(2)); step(videoPlayer, frame); step(outputPlayer, frame); release(outputPlayer); %step(outputPlayer2, frame); release(outputPlayer2);

%% Process frames one by one

if d

   disp('Connecting to Drone...');
  %drone = ARDrone();


disp('Camera analysis is starting...');

if d disp('--WARNING: Drone is taking off--'); takeoff(drone); Href = 1.5; end

%Continue until window is closed while (isOpen(videoPlayer) || nr==0)

  %% 1 Read a single frame
  %Height control
  if d
   %every x frames, check if height value
   h = drone.Altitude;
   Altitude(drone, h, Href);
   if (nr>100 && mod(nr,100)==0 && h==0)
       disp('---WARNING: NO DATA FROM DRONE---');;
       disp('--Drone is landing--');
  if w frame = snapshot(video);
  else frame = videoReader.step(); end
  %% 2 Filter image (frame)
  %Filter out green (or anything like it) only
  %Formula: Mask is (G-i*B)<0 and (G-i*R)<0
  Mask = frame(:,:,2)<frame(:,:,3)*i & frame(:,:,2)<frame(:,:,1)*i;
  if w Mask = uint8(Mask); end
  %Filter lines with variable threshold
  Ifr = rgb2gray(frame); %grayscale
  thres = max(Ifr(:))*0.8;
  Lines = (Ifr>thres);
  Lines = imopen(Lines, strel('rectangle', [coeffO,coeffO]));
  Lines = imclose(Lines, strel('rectangle', [coeffC, coeffC]));
  %% 3 Detect objects
  %Detect ball 
  if w Red = frame-50;
  else Red = frame*255; Ifr = Ifr*255; end
  Red = Red(:,:,1)>Red(:,:,2)*1.5 & Red(:,:,1)>Red(:,:,3)*1.5 & Ifr>100 & Ifr<210;
  Red = imopen(Red, strel('rectangle', [coeffO,coeffO]));
  Red = imclose(Red, strel('rectangle', [coeffC,coeffC]));
  %3a: detect blobs, return centroids, bounding boxes, eccentricity and
  [~,centr,bbox,diam,ecc] = step(blob,Red);              
  %3b: maximize for most round object
  if ~isempty(centr)    
       [~,I] = min(ecc,[],1);
       bbox = bbox(I,:);
       centr = centr(I,:);
       diam = diam(I)
  %check if max is indeed round (i.e. if anything useful detected)
  if ecc > 1
       ecc = [];
       centr = [];
       bbox = [];
       diam = [];
  s = size(frame);
  Reconstruction = zeros(s(1),s(2));
   if ~isempty(centr)
       m = [round(centr(2)),round(centr(1))]; %midpoint, note: centr = [x y], size = [y x]
       if (m(1)>0 && m(2)>0 && m(1)<s(1) && m(2)<s(2))
           %set center pixel to 1, create circle around it
           %Reconstruction = imdilate(Reconstruction,strel('disk', round(diam(1)/2*0.8),8));
           %DOESNT WORK %Reconstruction = bwdist(Reconstruction) <= round(diam/2);
  %% 4 Send the frame to the video players
  Red = insertShape(1.*Red, 'Circle', [centr diam./2]);
  Red = insertShape(1.*Red, 'Line', [s(2)/2,0,s(2)/2,s(1)]);
  %step(videoPlayer, frame);
  %outputPlayer2.Name = 'Reconstruction';
  %step(outputPlayer2, Reconstruction);
  outputPlayer.Name = 'Red Filter';
  step(outputPlayer, Red);
  nr = nr+1; %increment frame nr     
  %% 5 Output
  if ~isempty(centr)
   Out_vector = [centr(1,:) diam(1)];
   Out_vector = [0 0 0];
  if (d && h>0.8*Href)
  %Call Daans functie


release(videoPlayer); videoPlayer.hide(); outputPlayer.hide(); %outputPlayer2.hide(); close all;

%done disp('Stopping video analysis...');

if d

   disp('--Drone is landing--');
   %Land the drone


Terug naar: PRE2015_2_Groep2, videotracking.