Embedded Motion Control 2013 Group 9

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Group members

Name: Student id: Email:
Jeroen Lamers 0771264 j.w.lamers@student.tue.nl
Rens Samplonius 0785119 r.j.samplonius@student.tue.nl
Haico Ploegmakers 0775395 h.e.c.w.ploegmakers@student.tue.nl
Frank Evers 0789890 f.evers@student.tue.nl
Filipe Catarino 0821789 f.freire.catarino@student.tue.nl


  • Decide all necessary functions for Maze
  • Week: Activities: People:
    Week 1
    • Install the Ubuntu Software / Ros / Gazebo / QT Edit
    • Start the tutorials for Ros / C++
    • Setup VPN
    Week 2
    • Finish all tutorials
    • Start brainstorming
    • Getting feeling with the robot doing the Simulations
    • Identify the Sensor characteristics
    • Everybody
    • Everybody
    • Everybody
    • Everybody
    Week 3
    • Create architecture for Nodes and Functions
    • Writing specific functions for Corridor Competition
    • Get experience with PICO, first experiment (18/9)
    • Frank & Filipe
    • Rens & Jeroen & Haico
    • Everybody
    Week 4
    • Test the concept code on PICO (23/9)
    • Finalize the code for Pico Competition
    • Corridor Competition on (25/9)
    • Everybody
    • Everybody
    • Everybody
    Week 5 Not yet planned
    Week 6 Not yet planned
    Week 7 Not yet planned


    Week 1: September 2 - September 8

    The first week mainly consisted of installing the Ubuntu OS with all the required ROS/Gazebo software. This did not went smoothly as there is no easy available Ubuntu installation for Mac (1 member) and missing one tiny step in the Tutorials could end up with a not working environment.

    It was decided that everyone should do all the tutorials to know how everything works, and that we would work with the software provided by the course material (QT for c++ and fuerte Ros).

    Week 2: September 9 - September 15

    During the second week everyone finished the tutorials for ROS and c++.

    Robot Sensors

    Researching the given example with the simulation environment shows that the laser data is acquired by scanning in a 270 degree angle with increments of 0.25 degrees. This information is saved in a a vector and can be used to obtain distances for every angle at a certain time.

    Week 3: September 16 - September 22

    The third week consisted of 2 parts:

    • Creating the architecture of the system, by dividing all the necessary steps into functions.
    • Focus on the corridor competition

    System functions & Architecture The group was split into two teams where 2 people where focusing on the architecture of the system. By doing this early it is clear how the system is going to be created. There is one main file that is able to call for all different functions that are required for the situation at hand. The focus of course is on the basic functions of the system for the corridor competition. These functions are:

    • Driving in a straight line in the middle of the corridor
    • Detecting the corner on either the left or the right side
    • Turn into the corner and leave the corridor
    • Stop outside the corridor

    Corridor Competition concept Because the contest dictates that the robot will be between the walls, and facing the end of the competition, the idea is that the robot is able to drive forward into the corridor. Because the robot is put there by human hand, and walls might not be exactly parallel there has to be some kind of control. By measuring the closest distance to the walls with the laser, the robot is able to calculate where the middle of the corridor is. The laser is then also used to calculate the angle between the robot and the wall.

    Week 4: September 23 - September 29

    Week 5: September 30 - October 6

    Week 6: October 7 - October 13