Autonomous mobility scooter requirements

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To go back to the mainpage: PRE2017 3 Groep6.

in order to make a product or a model of the system, it must first be decided what the actual requirements and limitations of our model are. with these requirements we can see what our model should eventually do.

we have split the requirements in four different sections, to split main concerns of the system.

navigation: these requirements concern everything to with the software and navigation, what it should, can, cannot or should not do.
safety: these requirements concern safety issues of a mobility scooter.
smart mobility: these requirements concern how to enhance the mobility scooter such that it responds to the requests of the user.
physical: these requirements concern the actual hardware that is needed for the mobility scooter.


- the mobility scooter is able to navigate through a shop
- the mobility scooter can use lifts
- the mobility scooter can use public transport


- Can not drive faster then 6 km/h on a walking path
- the mobility scooter should not get closer than 10 centimetres to another person while driving.
- if the autonomous system detects a failure, it notifies the user
- Detect change in height in the road ahead (curbs, speedbumps, holes, ramps)
- Detect a berm
- Detect Bushes
- Look past a speed bump when driving up (Scooter will be tilted upwards)
- Will not tilt and fall when making a turn
- Driver will not fall out of the scooter when making a tight turn
- Driver will not fall out of the scooter because of fast steering movements
- Be hard to miss for other road users
- Not distract other road users to much, resulting in a crash
- Driver can intervene when they don’t trust the scooter
- Does not endanger the driver when a failure occurs
- Clear indication when scooter can’t see anything (Also UI related)
- Safely move to a safe spot when battery nearly drained
- Can safely operate with a driver of 125kg
- Scooter stops when the driver falls out
- Changes of injuries minimized when falling in the direct surroundings of a stationary scooter (for example: no sharp edges)
- Minimize change of falling when getting off and on the scooter
- Can detect when something is blocking a wheel
- Can override the driver input when collision is imminent (Not unusual that the applies the accelerator when trying to brake. Another example is that the driver wants to go forward but the scooter is in reverse)
- Will not tilt and fall when driving on a sloping surface
- Driver will not fall out of the scooter when driving on a sloping surface

smart mobility

- The mobility scooter has a display.
- The scooters allows the user to set their destination using the display.
- The scooter allows a user to get in using up to x seconds. time to be edited after more research
- The scooter provides auditory feedback to the user.
- The scooter provides visual feedback to the user.
- The scooter is able to 'warn' surrounding persons when needed.
- The scooter is controllable through the steering wheel, a joystick or verbal commands.


- the mobility scooter should fit IR sensors
- the mobility scooter should fit ultrasonic sensors
- the mobility scooter should fit a LIDAR system
- the mobility scooter should have batteries that can last 3 hours of driving time
- the mobility scooter should have a computer system built in such that it can process the massive amount of data
- the mobility scooter should fit a 4g antenna
- The autonomous mobility soocter will have flashing lights.
- The autonomous mobility scooter will have whit front lights.
- The autonomouw mobility soocter will have red back light.

trafic laws

- The mobility scooter will not drive faster as 6km/h on a side walk
- The mobility scooter will not drive faster as the speed limit when on a bicylce path
- The mobility scooter will not drive faster as 30 km/h on a bicyle path inside the built-up area.
- The mobility scooter will not drive faster as 40 km/h on a biclyle paht oudside the built up area
- The mobility scooter will not drive faster as 45 km/h on a regular road.
- The mobility scooter will not drive faster as the speed limit when on a regual road.
- When driving on a bicycle path the autonomous mobility scooter will not drive next to an other mobility scooter.
- When driving on a regular road the autonomous mobility scooter will not drive next to an other mobility scooter.
- When driving on a sideway the mobiliscooter will obey the right of way rules for pedestrians.
- Wehn driving on a bicyle path the mobility scooter will follow the right of way rules for mopeds.
- When driging on a regular road the mobility scooter will follow the right of way rules for mopeds.
- The mobility scooter will use flashing lights when chaning driving dicerions.
- The mobility scooter will have his light on between 30 minutes before sunset and 30 minutes after sunrase when it is beeing used.
- The mobility scooter will ahve its light on during bad weather when it is used.