PRE2016 4 Groep5

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Problem statement

  • What are the psychological and ethical connections to the TU Delft ambulance drone?


  • How does the crowd react to a drone landing from above.
  • How can the drone land as fast as possible.
  • How can the drone create a landing spot.
  • How should the drone behave to not disturb the crowd.
  • To what extend can the drone invade other people’s privacy in order to fulfill its objective.


Primary user

  • People using the equipment delivered by the drone
  • People who have the equipment used on

Secondary user

  • Government
  • Hospital
  • Insurance
  • Maintenance



For the users, this idea will be easy to implement. All the user has to do is dial the emergency number and after a brief conversation, the drone will be on its way. When it arrives, further instructions can easily be provided (like a regular AED does).


For society, this idea has a lot of impact. When a drone is used to help people survive a heart attack or other urgent healthcare problems, there are a number of issues which need to be dealt with: Privacy. Should the drone be able to access all locations? For example: entering someone’s garden in order to get to the victim. Crowd control. What are the effects on a crowd of people when a drones passes by at high speeds? For example: a drone could cause a lot of panic within a crowd. Parking. How can a parking space be created? How can you get a group of people to make room in an efficient way? These three main issues focus on society’s opinions and behaviour. This needs to be analyzed by investigating completed studies on a variety of subjects regarding society’s view towards robotics used for healthcare.


The main enterprises that will be impacted by this idea are: Insurance companies Hospitals and government Drone manufacturers These enterprises have different interests when it comes to this idea. Whereas the hospitals, government and drone manufacturers might want there to be as many drones like this as possible, the insurance companies might not want this to happen. At the end of the day, the insurance companies main objective is to make profit. Having some expensive drones save lives might be more costly than deploying a “normal” ambulance, which will be more beneficial for the insurance companies.


  • Literature research. Since we intend to add to an already existing product, we have to properly research what the already existing product is capable of doing. When these capabilities are determined, we can further develop the on our objective and the implementation into the already existing product. After this initial orientation stage, we go into the state of the art part of the literature research. This state of the art research focusses on literature connected to our objectives.
  • Create a model of how the crowd environment reacts to a drone landing. When we have a majority of the state of the art research, we model the behaviour of the crowd into a model to see what kind of effect the drone has on the overall crowd. This focusses on the influence the drone has on its environment.
  • The project is going to be focused on the User and Environment aspects. From those two aspects, the environment is going to play a major role as the crowded environment may act according to a pattern which we can analyze.


  • First presentation: 1-05-2017
  • Second presentation: ??-06-2017
  • Finish defining problem statement: 3-05-2017
  • Finish literature study: 22-05-2017
  • Finish model: 11-06-2017
  • Finish research: 28-05-2017
  • Finish Wiki: 18-06-2017


Weekly updates.

Gantt Planning

Meeting notes

Week 1

Presentation feedback:

  • Sounds: Where does it come from (specific sound)
  • Etiquetes of behaviour: how people should react (not yet established for drone ambulances)
  • Catching a drone instead of landing it
  • What is the need: What is the current availability of AED's
  • When should the drone create noise (if any)
  • What will we add to the existing product of TU Delft
  • Where did TU Delft reasearch stop

Week 2

After the presentation, what is the definitive direction of our project?

Most studies about crowd movement focuss on an non-interruptive environment where fluid dynamics can be used in order to model the behaviour. We want to focuss more on the human aspects, which are unpridictable agents.

We make a map of available AEDs in Eindhoven and when they are still available for use to illustrate the problem. What is the survival chance?

  • Experiment:
    • Rules and Regulation: (Nikolay & Patrick)
      • Privacy
      • Criminality
      • Safety (weather)
      • Liability (assuming it is autonomous
    • Experiment plan (Rense & Wessel
      • Code of Cunduct (of the tu/e)
      • Reasoning (+Hypothesys)
      • Experiment Setup

Update Wiki (finilaze problem statement etc.):

  • Thom

Next meeting: 8-5, 11:15, MF15