PRE2022 3 Group10

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Lars van den Brom

Jochem Smit

Nanouk van Weerdenburg

Renske van Dijk

Bernard Korevaar

Brainstorm ideas

  • kitchen assistant
    • Automatic stirring
    • Cutting robot
    • boterhammen smeren
    • automatische rasp  >lijkt misschien op een keukenmachine, maar ik bedoel meer citroen raspen, dat je alleen de buitenkant wil
  • Human Robot Collaboration (HRC)[1]
    • Gesture controlled robot
    • Speech controlled robot
    • Following robot
  • Autonomous Motion Robots (AMRs)
  • Robot to open bottles with a twist cap
  • Robot om flesjes met kroondop te openen
  • Strijkrobot
  • robot om kinderen les te geven, soort bijles ish
  • robot om muren te verven
  • Interactive educational robots
  • AI-powered traffic flow management system
  • Autonomous underwater vehicles for oceanic exploration and mapping


Week Datum start week Deliverables Responsible team members
1 6th of February Brainstorm on objectives Everyone
Write down objectives Bernard
Work on planning and deliverables Nanouk
Look into state-of the art Renske and Jochem
Write about USE Lars
2 13th of February Look further into state of the art Nanouk
Literature study in appearance of teaching robots … and …
Literature study in functions of teaching robots … and …
3 27th of February Literature study in ethics of teaching robots
Literature study in appearance of teaching robots Nanouk and …
Literature study in functions of teaching robots Bernard and …
4 6th of March Working on multiple design types Bernard, … and …
Make interview questions Nanouk and Renske
5 13th of March Perform interviews Everyone
Process obtained information interviews Everyone
6 20th of March Draw conclusions from interviews Everyone
Choose and improve design types Everyone
7 27th of March Formulate advice Nanouk and …
Make actual design Bernard and …
Start on writing final report
8 3th of April Make actual design Bernard and …
Finish writing final report Nanouk, … and …


The objective of our project design a robot that can help primary school children with learning. We will focus specifically on children in the fourth and fifth grade of primary school, age six to eight, and teaching basic arithmetic such as multiplication.

We will do a literature study to specify an effective learning method for arithmetic, to identify what assistance teachers need, and how children are best stimulated.

In the scope of this course it will not be realistic to design a fully function prototype. Therefore, we will use an off-the-shelf robot that only need to be programmed to test our findings.



Our robot is designed to target the needs of elementary school students who are working on multiplications. The robot would use some sort of interactive and engaging method, like a game or quiz, to empower the motivation of the students. The robot would be easy to navigate and user-friendly to make sure the children can use it with ease.


The robot has the potential to make a positive impact on society by improving the academic outcomes of elementary school. This would be done by proving and interactive and engaging way to learn multiplications, the robot would help with motivation and confidence of the children. Which would lead to an improved learning curve. Additionally by using the robot, the teacher would have more time to focus on other tasks, as helping students who need extra help, or the greater part of the class and let the excelling students use it to keep it challenging and motivating for them.


Investing in these robots could be a smart decision for schools and educational institutions. As the robot helps by providing an innovative and effective tool for teaching, the robot can help both improve the quality of education and support the development of future generations. The robot's user-friendly design and advanced technology also make it an attractive and marketable product for businesses in the educational technology industry. As the use of technology in education continues to grow, our robot could represents a valuable opportunity for growth and expansion of this industry.


Figure 1, The Dash Robot

There are already some robot technologies that are used in the classroom in elementary schools. For example the Dash Robot [2] , that looks really appealing for children and they can engage with it. With the Dash Robot children get experiences with coding, for example by drag-and-dropping blocks. The Ozobot Evo is quite similar, it can also be used for block coding. And its sensors detect color codes and react to them. Another example of a robot that can be used to learn children code is the Finch 2.0 robot. All these robots are made to help children learn coding at elementary school. However, we are thinking of a robot that can help with tutoring mathematics.

The Ozobot Evo

There are also done studies with robotic tutors, like MONICA ( It was tested whether the robot could detect emotional states from children, and the children liked working with the robot, but it is not developed well enough yet that such a robot could replace the teacher.

The ROYBI robot is also a robot ( that can teach children languages and other languages. It can improve a child's learning from the age of 3 and onwards.

At this moment, there are not yet robots that completely take over the roles of teachers.

Finch 2.0 robot

nice websites:

How do children learn multiplication sums?

kind leert groepjes te maken van voorwerpen en die bij elkaar optellen, eerst nog los alles tellen en daarna inzien dat het makkelijker kan, herhaald optellen omdat je groepjes hebt.

rechthoekmodel > plantjes in een rechthoekige bak, 3 rijen van 5 plantjes

groepjesmodel > maak groepjes van 5 en kijk hoeveel groepjes je hebt

lijnmodel > sprongen op een tijdlijn, zie je duidelijk het herhaald optellen

3 dozen met sinaasappels, alleen in de bovenste kun je tellen dat er 6 sinaasappels in zitten, dus je moet zelf bedenken 6 + 6 + 6

omkeerstrategie > (8x4 = 4x8)

verdubbelen (3 x 4 = 12 dus 6 x 4 = 24, het dubbele van 12)

halveren (10 x 4= 40, 5 x 4 = 20, de helft van 40)

1x meer of minder

eerst tafels 0 en 1, daarna 2 (alle even getallen, bv schoenparen tellen) en 10

daarna 5 (handen gebruiken met 5 vingers)

daarna 3 en 4

dan 6 tot 9, is voor veel leerlingen echt lastiger

handige spelletjes die al bestaan > addit rekenspel, formula, toverstapels

laat zien welke sommen ze wel allemaal al weten, dat is al best veel wss, dat motiveert om de paar lastige die over zijn ook te leren

meest efficiënt blijkt mondeling oefenen, dus rijtjes opzeggen


flitskaartjes met de robot?

soort bingo


herhalen is keyyyy

met grote keersommen zoals 14x6, splitsen in 10x6 en 4x6

Previous related projects

These are some previous projects related to our project. The texts state the useful aspects of the mentioned project for our project.

Studdy Buddy

Study Buddy is a robot designed to help 'feeble-minded' children in elementary school understand the material taught in class better.

This project is quite similar to our project, since they also use robots to (help) teach young children.

Notable subjects in their report are the consideration of some robots, with a description of its features, pros and cons. Also how the robots would fit their project and which robot would fit best is discussed.

After that the project discusses the importance of likability and reliability of the robots. It states having trustworthy behavior and a reliable appearance are key for the children to be able to form an emotional bond with the robot and let it help them learn.

Then the project proceeds to show a questionnaire where, from 4 robots, the likability and the reliability are asked.

Then the project proceeds to talk about gamification and how it can improve the learning platform and motivate the children. Rankings in the game are also discussed but are not used since they state: “In our situation, we should avoid rankings and leader boards in game inspired design, as not all children thrive on competition.”

After that the project proceeds with an interview of elementary school teachers. In this part the main findings are summarized. For example that gamification is already used on an interactive whiteboard, and that teachers already spread their attention more to children which have problems learning, and that a robot which would personalize education would be welcomed.

Then the project shows a persona of the sort of child they want to help, and explain the concept in detail.

The project also displays a scenario of a child using the robot, and shows a state diagram explicitly showing the interaction of the robot.

Then, what the impact of the Study Buddy on children is and how it can be maximized is discussed. The impact on teachers is also discussed.

Finally the state of the art and conclusion end the wiki.

Adaptive learning software for mathematics

The general focus of this project is to teach math, but harder mathematics than simple multiplication. It also strives to be adaptive, while our project uses a robot. Thus it is quite different to our project. The state of the art is very extensive but focusses mostly on artificial intelligence in education.

It does mention some existing online mathematics learning platforms, which could be useful for our project. It could also be useful to read the ‘question-type and implementation’ part to see a short description of the implementation of some questions.

How their program is build is described in the technical aspects. There, the layout, modules and technical details are described.

Robot that assist kindergarten teachers

This project is about reducing the stress/workload of kindergarten teachers using robots.

The project stated 6 hypothesis about Emotion recognition, physical exercise, learning by quiz game, storytelling by robots, touching the robot and effectiveness of robots in education.

There also is an interview of some kindergarten teachers.

There is a description of the NAO robot, which shows and describes the parts and how it moves.

Then they wrote a small simulation about how the robot would function.

Teach children programming

This project is about teaching primary school children programming using robots.

The project showed a questionnaire partly about what the appearance of the robot should be.

Then they described the design, components of the robot and some of the technical functionalities.

How they want to teach programming is then described, showing the game they want the children to play with a picture, some explanations and a storyboard.

Some possibly useful documents about robots in class are displayed in the state of the art section.

After that a description of the hardware and a picture of the chassis with electronics is presented. Its software, thus the code of setup and execution are also described.

In this project, an actual robot is designed and a prototype is made. A few pictures are displayed.

Using a robot to learn in a fun way


  1. Inkulu, A. K., Bahubalendruni, M. R., & Dara, A. (2022). Challenges and opportunities in human robot collaboration context of Industry 4.0-a state of the art review. Industrial Robot: the international journal of robotics research and application, 49(2), 226-239
  2. Robotics for Elementary Students: The Best Tools to Use – Eduporium Blog. (n.d.). Retrieved February 11, 2023, from